In the aftermath of our heartfelt conversation, Arjun plunged into the realm of focus. However, as days unfurled, he discovered the intricate dance of chaos in his mind. When he aimed to edit photos or capture fleeting moments, his mind played a relentless symphony – a reminder to buy groceries, the allure of vibrant Instagram reels, and a cascade of creative ideas that overwhelmed him. The weight of these distractions felt like an added burden, and deadlines began looming overhead. In search of clarity, Arjun turns to Madhav once again, seeking a way to navigate through this mental storm and bring focus back into his creative pursuits.
Arjun: Madhav, I tried to focus, but my mind feels like a carnival of distractions. When I sit down to edit photos, suddenly, I'm reminded about buying groceries. Then, there's the endless scroll of Instagram reels, each profile with its colorful creativity. It's like a flood of thoughts, drowning me in confusion.
Madhav: Arjun, this chaos is like a hurricane. Picture yourself as the eye of the storm. Amidst the whirlwind, there's a calm center – that's your focus. Let's unravel this together.
Arjun: Huh! So, how do I stop this cyclone in my mind?
Madhav: Okay, Imagine you're in a pitch darkroom. Each photo you edit is a unique exposure. Don't let the grocery list or Instagram distract you. Focus on one photo at a time, one thought at a time.
Arjun: It's easier said than done, Madhav.
Madhav: Well your favourite actor, SRK said in 'Dear Zindagi', Arjun. “Genius is not someone who has all the answers; it is someone who has the patience to discover the questions. Patience is your anchor in this storm”.
Arjun: It's like trying to be a surgeon of my own thoughts. How can I do it?
Madhav: Surgeons don't operate on multiple patients simultaneously. They focus on one life, one moment. Similarly, focus on one task. When you feel the storm rising, breathe, bring your focus back to the present. Ekagrata, Arjun.
Arjun: Patience, Focus, and Ekagrata – I'll give it a try, Madhav. Maybe then, I can find clarity in this chaos.
Madhav: Certainly, Arjun. Let Ekagrata guide you through the storm. The chaos will dissipate, and creative clarity will emerge.
In the rhythm of Arjun's ongoing conversation with Madhav, he has discovered the profound impact of focus and Ekagrata(bringing the focus back to the present moment). As these concepts settle in his mind, a sense of relief and happiness dawns upon him. Though the journey of practicing these values lies ahead, there's a sense of ease in his thoughts. For now, we pause, allowing these insights to sink in, preparing for the next twirl in Arjun's creative odyssey.